Saturday, March 17, 2007

Ringspeaker by Richard Querin

Richard Querin has another one, this complete with a banner


puzzles said...

With wider rings this'll be perfect. I like that you included two versions, too. And you really love those warm colors, they're making me hungry! :)

Tobias Rundström said...

I really like this one. Only problem I find is that I think it will NEED a dark background to work fine. wonder if can do something to make it work on a white background also..

RichardQuerin said...

tobias, I think you're right about the dark background. I tried some light background versions but they just didn't work well.

puzzles, I'll try to go wider with them, although these are actually fattened up from my original take on it. They just seem to disappear at 16x16px :(

Thanks for the feedback guys.

eleusis said...

Re: backgrounds: with a light background, maybe the rings would work if they were outlined in black.. or something like that...

puzzles said...

I think eleusis has the right idea here. It would be interesting to trace out the rings in black and make the rest of the image transparent, just to see what kind of backgrounds it can work on.

You understood me exactly. It's that damned 16x16. It seems to mess with everybody. Of course if chubby rings look stupid in the large version, you could always submit two.