Thursday, March 22, 2007

Shuriken by Fabre Arnaud

VuMeter2 by Richard Querin

Tango by heathenx

Sorry about the shadow being cut off at the bottom.. it's what happens when you select part of the image and tell inkscape to export that. I might update this post later after having tweaked the export a bit..

Organic by Nojhan

Circularity2 by Dustin Mills

Circularity1 by Dustin Mills

Play It by Mikael Bourqui

This one was on hold while I confirmed what it was supposed to look like with Mikael.. but here it is now!

Play Button by Błażej Stokwisz

Here's one that was sent in a few days ago, though I somehow overlooked it. Note that there is currently an issue with the SVG file submitted, and I'm only posting scaled versions of the PNGs provided by the author. This post will be updated once we receive an updated file.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

We are slow to react right now...

Hello all!

We are totally overwhelmed by the number and quality of logo submission we have received! Thanks everyone for participating. Some of you have contacted us wondering why your logo hasn't been posted yet. There is a simple reason for that: We don't have time right now, you guys flood us with logos and we are but two persons to work with it. The situation is worse this week because I am away on those horrible real-life errands.

But don't worry! If your logo is submitted before the deadline it will be uploaded to the blog, we just have a bit of a backlog now! If your logo breaks any rules we will contact you to get it fixed you won't be in the dark.

We ask for forgiveness and hope that you can have a bit patience, I suspect that it will be better next week!

Thanks for you time!

FastForward by Ryan Hoshor

Xenon v2 by Ryan Hoshor