Monday, March 19, 2007

Soundwave Revised by Rodrigo Cibils

Rodrigo still polishing his soundwave concept... Note the two different 16px icons.


Anonymous said...

The smaller icons scale down nicely, but I think the sound-wave one looks too much like FireFox's RSS feed icon.

puzzles said...

I'm liking the revised logo a lot more than your original. And I like how you provided alternate 16x16 logos. It especially makes sense when you consider the comment above; the latter icon looks a bit like an RSS icon. I wouldn't be averse to using it, personally, but others that are have the X2 logo at their disposal as well.

theefer said...

Cool, but the alignment of the waves are still weird to my eyes (sorry ;-) )..
The small wave-icon is a bit too RSSy as Ryan said, but the idea is nice. I'm not sure how the whole thing could still be improved, maybe exploring new colors or refining the wave thingy..